Main Building in Prague
In memory of the pioneers on land, water and in the air. Main Building in Prague
From the Paleolithic era to the present. Main Building in Prague
A labyrinth of architectural styles Main Building in Prague
Visit our playroom equipped with the legendary Czech construction set Merkur. You can find it on the second basement level , next to the Mining and Metallurgy exhibitions. Let's play! Main Building in Prague
Main Building in Prague
Space, colour and otion Centre for Building Heritage in Plasy
Those who know, do not destroy. Centre for Building Heritage in Plasy
Centre for Building Heritage in Plasy
Centre for Building Heritage in Plasy
Centre for Building Heritage in Plasy
Centre for Building Heritage in Plasy
Centre for Building Heritage in Plasy
The Court of Building Crafts is open to visitors during special events such as Craft Days and professional workshops. Exhibition of Railway Vehicles Chomutov
In Railroad Depository NTM in Chomutov are alocated almost 100 pieces of rolling stock of several gauges and various types. It makes our depository the greatest state colection in the Czech Republic. The depository is located in former Czech Railways depot. Main Building in Prague
The exhibition presents astronomy as one of the oldest fields of human knowledge. Astronomy has a long tradition in the Czech lands and maintains a good reputation up to the present day. Main Building in Prague
Exposition "Sugar and Chocolate". Main Building in Prague
The development of photography, its application and influence on society. Main Building in Prague
The Development of Mining from the Paleolithic to the Present. Main Building in Prague
The exhibition of the history of metallurgy titled Metals – the Path of Civilization presents the technical and historical development of metallurgy, and its relationship with the life of society, influenced most of all by iron. Main Building in Prague
The phenomenon of time from various perspectives. Main Building in Prague
The aim of the Chemistry around us exposition is to show chemistry in a context of which many of us are not aware. Main Building in Prague
The journeys of polygraphy from Gutenberg to digital printing. Main Building in Prague
The Television studio is situated oin the 3rd floor of the National Technical Museum. The exhibition was createdis produced in cooperation with the Czech Television. Main Building in Prague
Exploring the development of "domestic helpers" The Letná Carousel
Historical Attraction with Horse and Car Rides