- Úvod
- Exhibitions
- Permanent exhibitions
- Measurement of time

Measurement of time
The phenomenon of time from various perspectives.
Through a chronologically arranged selection of exhibits, this exhibition shows the development of the watchmaking industry from the oldest known timekeeping technologies practically up to the present day. To do so it presents examples of elementary time-measuring devices, such as sundials, water clocks, or fire clocks and hourglasses, through to mechanical clocks, which have long prevailed in watchmaking, up to electronic clocks.
The most important part of the exhibition is the carefully arranged collection of mechanical clocks that represent the most historically significant examples of timekeeping technology used from the beginning of the 14th century until the second half of the 20th century. The exhibition includes a presentation of historical tower clocks, interior clocks and pocket watches. However, there is also a display of devices that use electricity to measure time or a combination of the mechanical clock principle and electricity, and some rare experimental timepieces, such as the first Czechoslovak atomic clocks, that are also presented here.
The exhibition captures the development of domestic watchmaking in the Czech lands, the beginnings of which were documented already during the reign of the Luxembourgs. During the 19th century, there were successful efforts to keep up with the latest advances in the field. These efforts, connected mainly with the personalities of Josef Božek and Josef Kosko, are also properly presented in the exhibition.
A significant amount of space is devoted to the technological side of watch production. The visitor can see samples from the rich collection of hand-made watchmaking tools, templates and instruments.