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E-mail addresses:
Phone numbers:
220 399 111

If you are unable to complete a call to museum staff, leave a messages with the museum's secretariat at: 220 399 101

Národní technické muzeum
Kostelní 42
170 78 Praha 7
Czech Republic

IČ: 00023299
DIČ: CZ00023299

Office hours of NTM secretariat:

Mon.: 8.00 - 16.00 Tues.: 8.00 - 16.00 Wed.: 8.00 - 16.00 Thurs.: 8.00 - 16.00 Fri.: 8.00 - 16.00

Museum management

Mgr. Karel Ksandr
General director
Mgr. Miloš Josefovič
Deputy for operations and investments
Ing. Mgr. Miroslava Bezchlebová
Deputy of the Department of Economics
Mgr. Adam Dušek
Deputy for presentation
Mgr. Karel Koželuh
Deputy for legal matters

NTM secretary

Lucie Veselá
NTM secretary

DG Office Department:

Martina Papežová
Head of General Dircestor´s office department

Museum of Architecture and Civil Engineering

PhDr. Martin Ebel, Ph.D.
kurátor architektury a stavitelství

Department Director of the Museum of Transport

Mgr. Arnošt Nezmeškal
Director of the Museum of Transport

Department of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Museum of Media

Mgr. et MgA. Michaela Hrubá
Director of the Museum of Electronical Appliances and Media

Department Director of the Museum of Industry

Ing. Jan Palas
Director of the Museum of Industry

Railway Museum

Ing. Zdeněk Řešátko, CSc.
Director of the Railway Museum

Centre of Building Heritage NTM Plasy

Ing. Ivo Kornatovský
manager of Centre of building heritage NTM Plasy

Administration and Preservation of Collections, Head Conservator

Ing. Kateřina Šupová
Head of Administration and Preservation of Collections, Head Conservator

Department of Administration and centr.evidence collections

PhDr. Jan Novotný
Head of the department of administration and records collections

Building Department

Ing. Marcela Znamenáčková
Head of the Building department

Project Management Department

Ing. Mgr. Jiří Čermák
pověřen řízením

Department of archival book and information resources

PhDr. Zdeněk Vácha
vedoucí Archivu NTM
Mgr. Petr Souček
vedoucí knihovny, časopisy

Department of business

Ing. Mgr. Ivana Kocichová, Ph.D.
Head of Dept. of business and inter-museum cooperation

Exhibition management department

Ing. Blanka Kreibichová
Head of Exhibit Dept.

Editorial Department

Mgr. et Mgr. Michal Novotný, Ph.D
vedoucí publikačního a edičního oddělení, vedoucí

Public Relations

Bc. Jan Duda
Head of PR Department
Mgr. Jana Dobisíková
Presentation and public relations department

Human resources

Anežka Brandejsová
Human resources