The National Technical Museum invites scientists, students, and enthusiasts in archaeology, the history of medicine, anthropology, and related fields to submit papers for the second edition of the international conference Researching the Past, Advancing the Future of Medicine II. 

The conference will take place at the National Technical Museum, Kostelní 42, 170 78 Prague 7, on April 9–10, 2025. The official language of the conference is English.

This multidisciplinary event will feature keynote presentations from distinguished experts, including:

Natascha Bagherpour Kashani & Lena Öhrström: Saltmen of Iran

Richard Swinney: Practical Application of Medieval Medical Techniques for Solo Reduction of Hip Dislocation in the 21st Century and Modern Anticoagulants That Validate Medieval Medical Therapies

Silvia Gonzalez Soutelo: Thermalism in Antiquity – Past, Present and Future of Archaeological Research on Roman Healing Spas

Nick Summerton: "The Past is a Foreign Country: They Do Things Differently There" – The Challenges of Researching Ancient Medicine

The conference will also include a practical workshop on traceology analysis, reconstruction, and experimental archaeology, and roundtable discussions in memory of Professor Robert Arnott, featuring the presentation of the Arnott Programme.

Submissions for 20-minute oral presentations or posters are welcome in English. Abstracts of up to 300 words, along with your name and institution, should be submitted by February 28, 2025. You can send your submission to or complete the registration form at the link

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by March 10, 2025. There are no registration fees for presenters. For more information, please refer to the attached Call for Papers: CFP konference NTM 2025.pdf or contact the organizers via email

We look forward to your participation in uncovering the lessons of the past to shape a more informed and innovative future in healthcare!