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Photographic studio
Permanent exhibition
Main Building in Prague

Photographic studio

The development of photography, its application and influence on society.

The Photographic studio exhibition shows the technical development of photography, its application and influence on society. The development and principles of basic photographic processes are presented here in chronological order. Individual historical periods are documented by the devices used at the time and original period photographs.

The central part of the exhibition is a glass studio – a reconstruction of a period photographic studio for portraiture in daylight with a glass ceiling in the style of the early 20th century. Here, visitors will find a collection of studio, technical and salon photographic equipment, as well as period props – furniture, painted backgrounds, a dressing room, all of the things that were an essential part of the photography business at the time. Periodically, the work of a portrait photographer is shown directly in the space of the studio, and the visitors can leave with a picture of themselves in the historical costume of their choice, created through the original old photographic technique. Details about this can be found in the gallery part of the exhibition. Selected types of studio photographic equipment are on display, the entire set of studio cameras in the collection is presented in electronic form in an information kiosk.

The so-called Kynžvart daguerreotype, a still-life photograph from 1839, which is on long-term loan to the National Technical Museum from Kynžvart Castle, is considered the most valuable object exhibited in the photographic studio. Its author is the inventor of photography, J. L. M. Daguerre. No less interesting are the unique photographic devices from the early days of photography in the Czech lands.


Photographic studio

Photographic studio

Permanent exhibition